Wipro Elite Coding Questions for Freshers 2019

Wipro Coding Questions

Q1. Write a program to print Fibonacci Series using recursion, where n is the input to the program and n>0.
Fibonacci Series: It represents sum of the preceding two numbers. In this program, we are printing the Fibonacci series: Fibonacci series in a given range n .Ex:n= 4 Series: 0 1 1 2
Input Format:
A single integer n
Output Format:
The output is the Fibonacci series without spaces.
n > 1
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
First we have to take the number of terms n as input from user then we are calling user defined function fib(n). Fib(n) recursive function we calculate the (n-1)th and (n-2)th Fibonacci numbers then add those numbers to get the nth Fibonacci number. By using for loop we are printing the n terms of Fibonacci series.
Solution Code:
#include <stdio.h>
int fib(int n)
            if(n == 0 || n==1)
           return n;
           return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
int main()
           int i,n;
           return 0;
  • Fibonacci Series: It represents sum of the preceding two numbers. In this program we are printing the Fibonacci series in a given range n. Ex:n= 4 Series: 0 1 1 2.
  • Recursion: A function called by it self is called recursion. We are using recursion for many mathematical problems and logical problems like factorial and towers of Hanoi, Fibonacci.
  • We are using a user-defined function Fib() which takes an integer n as input and returns the n terms of Fibonacci series by using recursion.
  • The recursion will terminate when number of terms less than because we know the first two terms of Fibonacci series are 0 and 1.Else calculate the (n-1)th and (n-2) th Fibonacci numbers then add those numbers to get the nth Fibonacci number.
int fib(int n)
           if(n == 0 || n==1)
           return n;
           return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
  • First we have to take the number of terms of Fibonacci series by using scanf function .
  • By using for loop we are printing the n terms of Fibonacci series by calling Fib() function recursively
int i,n;
Q2.Write a program to find maximum and minimum elements in an array. The input will be number of elements in array and the array elements.
Arrays:  Arrays are used to store the elements with the same data type.
Input Format:
The first line takes the input n represents the array size.
The second line represents the array elements each element on a new line.
Output Format:
The output is the maximum and minimum elements in an array each element on a new line.
n > 0
Sample Input :
Sample Output :
First, we have to take the size of the array n and array elements as an input. Declare two variables max and min to store maximum and minimum. Assume first array element as maximum and minimum both, then assign max =arr[0] and min = arr[0].Then iterate through the array to find max and min element in the array. Run a loop from 1 to n. Ifarr[i] < min then print arr[i] as min element and If arr[i] > max then print arr[i] as max element.